Classroom Guidelines and Information for Biology

Catholic Central Science Class Safety Agreement

First Quarter:

  • Introducing Biology – the study of life
    • Describe the various sub-fields of Biology.
    • Describe the characteristics found in all living things.
  • Principles of Ecology
    • The ecological relationships of various species sharing an environment.
    • The way energy is stored and travels in an ecosystem.
  • Chemistry of Life
    • The composition, structure and roles of organic molecules in life and living things.
  • Cells and Energy – Photosynthesis
    • Explain how cells transform energy (ultimately obtained from the sun) from one form to another through the processes of photosynthesis; state where these processes take place.

Second Quarter:

  • Cells and Energy – Cellular Respiration and Fermentation
    • Explain how cells transform energy from one form to another through the processes of cellular respiration, explain how each process is dependent on those that precede it, state where these processes take place.
    • Explain how cells transform energy in the absence of oxygen and where these processes take place.
  • Cell Growth and Division – asexual reproduction
    • The cell cycle and its three stages: interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis.
    • Explain the relationship between cell division and cancer and give examples of cancer treatment; discuss the pros and cons of each. Explore current research in the field of cancer treatment.
    • Describe and give examples of the following forms of asexual reproduction: binary fission, budding, parthenogenesis, fragmentation, regeneration, vegetative reproduction, spore formation.
  • Cell Growth and Division – sexual reproduction
    • Outline the process of meiosis, including pairing of homologous chromosomes and crossing over, followed by two divisions, which results in four haploid cells.
    • Compare and contrast the processes of cell division (mitosis and meiosis), particularly as those processes relate to production of new cells and to passing on genetic information between generations.
  • Genetics – observing patterns in inherited traits.
    • Gregor Mendel’s important contributions to the field of genetics.
    • Genetic traits, genetic disorders and how to use a Punnett square.
    • Methods used to study human genetics and at the significance of the Human Genome Project.
  • Biotechnology – DNA fingerprinting project

Third Quarter:

  • Evolution – the cumulative change in the heritable characteristics of a population.
    • Important past scientists that contributed to the development of evolutionary theory.
    • Explore natural selection and how it provides a mechanism for evolution.
    • Investigate current evolutionary research.
  • Plant Structure and Function
    • Study the structure and functions of plant tissue, leaves, roots and stems.
  • Plant Growth, Reproduction and Response
    • Examine the different stages in a plant’s life cycle.
    • Study the various forms of plant reproduction and seed dispersal
    • Describe how plant hormones regulate plant functions.

Fourth Quarter:

  • Viruses and Prokaryotes
    • Explore the work of Dmitri Ivanovsky and Martinus Beijerinck and how it led to a greater understanding of viruses.
    • Examine the structure and functions of viruses.
    • Study examples of infectious diseases caused by viruses and discuss possible treatments for each.
    • Look at the structure of bacteria, how bacteria reproduce and survive, and at diseases caused by bacteria.
  • The Animal Kingdom (Invertebrates)
    • Briefly describe the physical, molecular and phylogenetic characteristics shared by members of each invertebrate phylum.
  • The Animal Kingdom (Vertebrates)
    • Briefly describe the physical, molecular and phylogenetic characteristics shared by members of each vertebrate phylum.