Archive for March, 2016

Daily Prayer

Romans 3:22 (41 kb)

Precious Father, thank you so much for providing me with a Savior in Jesus. Thank you for declaring me righteous through the sacrifice of your Son. Please help me as I entrust my life and salvation to Jesus so that his life and character can be exemplified in the way that I live. In Jesus’ holy name I pray. Amen.

Daily Prayer

John 3:16 (30 kb)

Holy and Righteous Father, thank you for your love. I know I didn’t earn it or deserve it, but thank you. Until the day I see you face to face and express my appreciation and my praise, please know my heartfelt gratitude and my deep and abiding joy because of your plan, your Son, and your salvation. I thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Prayer

Mark 3:14 (86 kb)

Dear Lord, thank you for the opportunity to share your love with my brothers and sisters. Guide me to be a disciple of Christ.  Please allow me to be a model of goodness, discipline and knowledge to all those people I come in contact with this week.  Amen

Daily Prayer

Galatians 3:11 (37 kb)

Dear Lord,

When I am worn down, please give me the strength to push harder.

When I am injured, please give me the strength to heal.

When the meek are bullied, please give me the strength to stand by their side.


Daily Prayer

Genesis 3:6 (49 kb)

Father, please forgive me for my rebellious and sinful heart. I want to live wholly for you. I don’t want to be captured by the allure of sin or tempted by worldly passions, but I do want to passionately live a godly life for your glory. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray. Amen.